Saturday, July 16, 2011

Getting into the Groove Again

I've had to take it rather slow and easy lately because of my health.  But now its time to get busy.

Things on my agenda include:
  • Planning the MFCW conference for October 8th. So excited that Susan Page Davis will be our speaker and both she and Ruth Axtell Morren will be conducting workshops. Oh, and I'm doing a workshop, too!
  • Critiquing some chapters for my crit partner Susan Page Davis on her novel which is the 3rd novel in our Love in Four Corners series with Darlene Franklin (bk 2) and moi (bk 1).
  •  Finishing up my revisions for my publisher on said bk 1, The Shadow Catcher's Daughter.
  • Catching up on Website projects for a surgeon and several authors.
    • Baking Snickerdoodles.  Yes, I confess.
    • Planning my vacation for next month. Road trip!
    Now a few fun things. This cartoon pic of me, really looks nothing like me except the dress is my favorite color. You can MadMenYourself, too if you wish. It's a great way to waste time.

    Here's an awesome video about developing your pitch for an agent or editor. It's a real hoot, but I promise you'll learn something from it if you pay attention!

    What are you doing in the groove?


    1. When I read your post I thought - that could be me! Been struggling with my health, planning a writers conference, critiquing, creating a workshop, baking. Wow. It's like a parallel universe! Blessings on all your ventures! Dont forget to rest.

    2. Thank you for this. I value my writing as a way to please the Lord, but sometimes I get caught up in trying to "keep up". I loved that so many of the things that you are doing are about writing and revising...and not stuff that anyone else will see. I need to be reminded that I don't have to have constant affirmation for the work I am doing.
      I am STARTING a rough draft this week and I am excited, but nervous as I face new demons which are as of now--unknown.
      Also, thanks for the MadMen avatar link. I will force myself to stay away as I often get caught in time killers.

    3. That's too funny, Jan! Isn't it fun though? Blessings to you, too and I pray you'll be feeling better soon.

    4. Thanks for stopping by, Jackie. I popped over to your blog and love the verse at the top: "Do not despise the small beginnings, for the eyes of the Lord rejoice to see the work begin." Zechariah 4:10 That is a great reminder to do our writing for an audience of One. He sees and knows. I pray you have a great start to your new writing project.

    5. Oh, Carla, I loved the video! With the Philly conference only 3 weeks away, it's a subject on my mind.

      Hope you're feeling better.

    6. Always there is truth in that cliche about much to do and too little time! Your plate sounds full and I hope you can balance it all with necessary time for yourself.

      The video was a hoot! I'm trying hard not to be that first writer but my mind always goes blank at those moments when I most need to be calm and concise. LOL!

    7. That was very funny and great info on what to do and what not to do. Love it.

    8. Thanks for stopping by, Nancy! Yes, that was so fun, but much to learn as well!


    Thanks for visiting Adventures of the Heart. Be sure to check back for my responses to your comments. Be blessed!