Monday, August 26, 2013

Adventures of the Heart

Heart path, image from Pinterest
I'm in need of a little burst of  inspiration so I decided to boost my creativity with a fresh look to my blog and a new website to debut soon. I'm a very visually inspired person so color is always a perk for me. Function is important, too, so part of my revamping this blog is to follow a new schedule for this long neglected blog. I've been blogging for about 8 years so my lapse due to my long wrist injury couldn't be helped, but lets see if we can revive this with some fresh ideas.

Writing to Distraction has the new name, Adventures of the Heart, that better reflects where I am now in my writing journey.

Mondays: Writing Scrapbook ~ This day will be focused on my writing and research. Conversation is encouraged so feel free to ask me a question. Be sure to return for my reply.

Wednesdays: Photo Journal ~ Posting my photography and graphic design with a brief thought about the image. I hope it will inspire you. Comments will be closed for this quiet, inspirational, day.

Fridays: Feature Fridays ~ Highlighting Faith, Family, Friends, & Fiction. Think of it as a visit with a friend. At the end of the post I'll ask you a question. So please be sure to share your answer.

If you aren't following my blog or networked to it yet, please do so you can join me on my "Adventures of the Heart."


  1. Being an avid fan of brown, with green a close second, I love your choices! Lovely new look, Carla.

  2. Thank you, Lori. Just finished tweaking the title block and now to finish up my website. Been so busy writing that I've neglected much of my online presence. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I love the new look, too, Carla. Great choices and very easy on the eyes. I will try to stop by on a regular basis. :)

  4. The new look is quite peaceful and inviting, Carla. I tried to follow through GFC but it's not working right now so I signed up for email updates.

    1. Ok, never mind. I tried again and it worked! So now I am signed up both ways :)

  5. Thank you for your nice comments everyone!

  6. My first time visit... I seem to have arrived at a perfect time.

    Love your blog look...and I look forward to coming back and share a little in your adventure of the heart.

    Blessings and best wishes as you begin this new chapter.

    1. Thank you, Brenda. So glad you stopped by! I hope to see you again.


Thanks for visiting Adventures of the Heart. Be sure to check back for my responses to your comments. Be blessed!