To continue my Friday Huz Interview series:

Julie Lessman is the author of The Daughters of Boston series (A Passion Most Pure, A Passion Redeemed and A Passion Denied) and the Winds of Change series (A Hope Undaunted, A Heart Revealed and her latest release, A Love Surrendered). Julie also has a Christmas e-book releasing November 9 called A Light in the Window: An Irish Christmas Love Story, for which she has a Kindle Fire Contest going on, so check it out at You may contact Julie through her website at
Keith, thank you for joining us!
Where did you meet Julie and how long have you been married?
Met Julie at my workplace about 35 years ago and we’ve been married 34 years.
Any children, grandchildren, or pets in the family? Who lives at home?
We have one daughter who lives at home, Amy, who is 24 and just passed the bar exam. We have one beautiful grandchild, Aurora Grace (Rory), who is the daughter of my 29-year-old son Matt and daughter-in-law Katie. No pets since we lost our wonderful golden retriever, Bunker, three years ago because he would be too hard to replace.
Did you know Julie was a writer before you were married?
Yes, she was an associate writer/producer at the company where we worked, but I never dreamed she’d become an author, although she often eluded to it. It just seemed like she never had the time as a young mom.
What is your occupation and how long have you been working at that vocation?
I am self-employed as a 3-D modeler/designer, working at home with Julie 24/7, which at times can be rather challenging (smile here).
What are a few of your favorite books and authors? (Not including your wife's.)
I am really not much of a reader, but more of a visual person. However, if I must read, my favorite author just happens to be my wife. I’ve read every one of her books twice or more, but the problem arises that sometimes I become more of a critic than I care to be, which can be dangerous.
Have you ever read any of your wife's books? If so, do you have a favorite?
As mentioned above, yes, I’ve read all of her books and my favorite is her upcoming e-book release, A Light in the Window, because it has a warm innocence that I wish she’d incorporate more in her books. As a husband/critique partner, my personal opinion is I’d like to see her romantic passion portrayed in a less graphic manner.

Julie has three offices. Her winter office is in the hearth room where she has a remote-controlled fireplace and lots of ambiance (critical to her mindset) with candles lit, lights low, hazelnut coffee or mint tea and lip gloss. Her summer office is on our lower deck facing the woods with feet up on our outdoor furniture, hazelnut coffee or peach iced tea, and her animal friends—our Cooper hawk family that returns each year, deer, turkeys, lizards, chipmunks and squirrels. Third office is at a desk in my office where we once worked back-to-back until we realized it would be detrimental to our marriage.
What does she wear when writing?
Jeans and casual top, flip-flops and lip gloss in the summer and jeans, fleece, flip-flops and lip gloss in winter.
Is there anything unusual that she ever asks you to do relating to her writing?
Constantly! She asks me to create ads, newsletters, bookmarks, posters, crazy photos for her Seeker blog and most recently, her e-book cover that features my daughter as the model.
What activities do the two of you enjoy doing together as a couple?
Dining out, movies, dinner with friends and bike riding.
Now, from Julie:
Does your husband write? If so, please tells us about it.
Write? Are you kidding—the man is a right-brain artist—he can barely spell! ;) In fact, his printing/penmanship is SO unreadable, I always joke he should have been a doctor. ;)
Great interview. I do believe that Julie's husband likes her lip gloss. (mentioned it on more than one occasion) I love that the book has their daughter on the cover. A family affair: She wrote it, he designed it and their daughter modeled for it. Love it!!
ReplyDeleteOh, CARLA, this is sooooo fun to read Keith's answers on your blog -- God bless him!! :) He was very patient when I sat beside him in "our" office to answer your questions despite demands made on him by several big clients. But I always remind him that he doesn't have to live with them, so maybe I am his most important "client," yes? ;)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the fun opportunity, my friend, and if anybody wants to win a Kindle or equivalent gift card, choice of my books, a writer's critique OR their choice of five top CBA books from my personal library, then I invite them to hop on over to my Journal Jots Blog for a WEEKEND RELEASE CONTEST that is in addition to my KINDLE FIRE CONTEST currently going on. Here's the link and HAPPY FRIDAY!!
I'm so glad that Keith agreed to do this. It was fun learning more about you and getting to know the man behind the gal we all love so much!
DeleteThanks for sharing about your contest! What a fun weekend you are having with your new release!
LOL ... "fun" is not exactly what I would call it right this minute, chin-high in promotion and two a and half months behind on my next deadline, but hopefully it will slow down by February!! :)
DeleteDeep breath, Julie, deep breath. And as Keith always says ... "it's not life and death." :)
And THANK GOD for that!!
Oh. Dear. Goodness. Can't I just SEE YOU BOTH in the writing of this article. Loved it. Loved the candid. Had me laughing and smiling. And giggled at the lip gloss line. Oh sweet mercy, what absolute fun and a great idea of a blog post!!
ReplyDeleteKeith...Julie...hugs to you both!! :D
CASE!!! And you should certainly know, since you've seen Keith and me together!! It was the most fun I've just about had in an interview, so MAJOR KUDOS to Carla -- BRILLIANT IDEA!!
DeleteHugs right back, my friend. :)
What a fun interview! Love the picture of you two together! And love this family collaboration of A Light in the Window! The story is my favorite of all of Julie's books, love the picture of your daughter on the front and the fact that Keith designed it!
ReplyDeleteThanks, JULES ... now if my other readers will JUST feel the same way ... I'll be a happy camper ... uh, writer. :)
Cool way to do an interview. I might have to steal this idea. Julie nothing like an attentive husband. Great interview. I like you have three places to write. I need to find one. The third kid took that spot.
ReplyDeleteIt was great fun having Keith and Julie visit! Look for more huz interviews on Fridays!
DeleteLOL, LASHAUNDA ... kick that boy (or girl) out!! Because EVERYBODY KNOWS ... if mama ain't happy, ain't NOBODY happy!! Uh ... at least in my house!! :)
NO way... Oh,my gosh this is awesome!! An interview with Julie and her hubby,bless you, Carla great idea!
ReplyDeleteI absolutely loved reading this,thanks for sharing!
What a lovely couple!
GANISE!!! Now you've seen my "better half," so we're even, right?? Hope all is well and let me know what you think of ALITW, okay??? I know you won it on Laura's blog, so YAY!!!
Eeeep! Julie! I'm so excited about this! I'm literally smiling so wide right now! You and your husband are so adorable....he seems like everything you've told us TIMES ONE HUNDRED! lol! Love this're both such an inspiration! Thanks for sharing with us...and thank your husband for coming by! =D Love that you guys know each other so well....makes me think there's hope for us kiddies just starting out! *crossing my fingers* Huggz!!!!
ReplyDeleteLOL, EM, YES!!! There IS hope for you young'uns and romance is ALIVE AND WELL in the baby boomer generation, trust me!! Marcy and Patrick's marriage is based on Keith's and mine, so you know there's always "drama," but OH MY, when God is in the center, it's TO DIE FOR!!!
DeleteThanks for coming by, my sweet friend.
Aw, what a sweet interview! You are both so lucky to have such a wonderful relationship!
ReplyDeleteThough I must disagree with Keith on one point - I LOVE the passion in Julie's books. Keep it up, girl!
Hey, SUE, we really are, and I don't usually talk about it because I know there are SO many marriages with problems or just not as romantic as others. But sometimes, I just have to crow, you know??? ;)
DeleteLOL ... I don't know, Suzi-Q, if ALITW does well, I may just have to tone down my future books because it's definitely not as passionate as my others. NOR is my new series as passionate, so we shall see how the market receives it. :)
Thanks so much to all of you for stopping by to visit with Keith and Julie!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great idea to interview authors' husbands! I enjoyed seeing Julie from a new perspective.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Susan. Keith was a great sport. Loved hearing all his lip gloss references. Lol