Monday, March 14, 2011

What We Learn

"It is not so important to know everything as to appreciate what we learn."
Hannah Moore


  1. Amazing costumes. I'm researching Elizabethan clothing at the moment and finding it fascinating how much politics goes into clothing!

  2. Great quote!

    Have a great week. :)

  3. Mary, it is our privilege to learn along with you. Thank you so much for sharing what you have learned. It is another reminder for us to check the origins of our words, which historical writers frequently must do. We need to learn the vocabulary of the time we are researching, not what it was called in a later period looking back.
    And what an interesting tid bit about the white!
    I appreciate your bringing that to our attention. You can be sure many of us are and will continue to read your wonderful blog!

  4. Charmaine, ooh, I'd like to hear more. Thanks for coming by. I'm glad you enjoyed seeing Mary's costumes!

  5. Hi Sonia, You have a great week, too! It's always a pleasure to see you!


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