Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Imagination Box

I'm doing some spring organizing and decided to finally do something nice for all my crafty stuff and office supplies. So I thought I'd show you the before, and after of my piles.

Have you ever heard of a "haul". From what I hear that's when a fashionista hauls out their shopping finds and tells all about it. Well, I found some very inexpensive pretty storage boxes at my favorite store, T. J. Maxx, and decided I'd show you my project: an over-haul of my very old and ugly craft cart.

I have a nice new cabinet for my closetless writing studio where I can finally tuck my things away instead of having piles around and this is where I'll tuck my boxes, my "imagination boxes" away. Though the cabinet isn't yet assembled, it will be soon. Then I can move on to my larger task of organizing my writing studio! Of course this was just one part of the project, but it feels so go to have it done. I'm good at micro-managing and procrastinating on the big stuff. But it gives me some inspiration and enthusiasm to go forward. Kind of like writing that special scene that you pulled from your imagination box.

Ribbon, scrapbooking papers, rubber stamps & inks
Supplies: paints, brushes, drawing tools,
tape, glue sticks, etc.
Stamps: rubber stamps, inks, embossing powder
Scrap papers: scrapbooking papers, cutouts, cards, small albums

Of course, Dasha, has to get in the middle of things!

Crafty embellishments, floral wire, unfinished projects!
Ta! Da!
I're wondering if I tossed anything away? Not very much. It all seemed to fit into the boxes nice and tidy once it was arranged properly.

 What's going on in your imagination box?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oh my goodness, those boxes are beautiful to store your craft supplies in! I love what you collect and can imagine you create some precious projects.

    Fun cat.
    ~ Wendy

  3. Beautiful boxes, Carla, arranged by a beautiful person! I am partial to anything like these myself, especially hat boxes. Oh my, you've given me some great ideas!

  4. Carla, I keep what little jewelry I have (and mostly don't remember to wear) in a box like yours that I found years ago at Fred Meyer (one of my favorite stores). Very pretty! Your kitty reminds me of one we had growing up. I love the satisfaction of getting supplies organized.


Thanks for visiting Adventures of the Heart. Be sure to check back for my responses to your comments. Be blessed!