Thursday, January 20, 2011

Up to my Ears

I'm up to my ears in writing, website work, and my regular job. Enough is enough. My goal is to remove two of these items from the list (guess which one stays!), but I'm in an extremely hectic transition right now. Hopefully I won't drown in all this busyness.

So, what are you up to?


  1. Carla, I hope things lighten up for you soon. Being snowed under is not pleasant.

  2. Streamlining is an ongoing process for me. The older I get, the more simplified I want my life to be. I only wish the majority of the world felt the same! Hoping you get things sorted and manageable soon.

    I'm up to recovering my equilibrium after two viruses in the past two weeks. Really threw a wrench in my best laid writing plans, but there's a week and a bit more left of Jan to try and play catch up.

    I'll do my best, then try to not worry about it. :)

  3. I hate feeling overwhelmed! Here's to hoping you get things under control very soon. Have a great weekend, Carla!

  4. Hope there's a life raft at hand for you, and you get some breathing time soon. January has been a welcome step back from December's busyness for me. Except for some essential reorganizing and decluttering in my office, I'm mostly focusing on finishing one novel and polishing a synopsis and query for another.


  5. Thoughts and prayers with you, Carla, at this very busy time. I can't tell you how often I think of you! You are amazingly productive:) But I hope you stop to drink a cup of tea and nap now and then, dear friend. I'll try to take my own advice:)

  6. Glad I'm not the only one feeling overwhelmed these days!!

    Between taxes, writing blog posts, critiquing, writing, and general housework and cooking--I'm--well, overwhelmed!!! Time to go eat lunch and relax for a moment! : )

  7. Hi Carla -

    I hope things calm down for you. At the moment, I'm working on a couple of non-fiction projects, as well as researching a novel.

    Susan :)

  8. Reserve a few minutes from every day, so you don't get too crazy and burn yourself out. Despite my best efforts otherwise, I usually find myself running at full speed most of the time. With our to-do lists constantly screaming at us, it can be easy to lose perspective and hurtle into burnout.

  9. Carla, I am so excited for you and the success you are having with your writing! Just take one day at a time, breath deeply, exhale slowly, and allow the Holy Spirit to energize you and guide your footsteps...just moment by moment walk with Jesus!

  10. Trying to write just a little bit every day. I'm also entering Molasses Swamp in a writing contest...

  11. Thanks for your comments, for keeping me in prayer in my busyness, and for sharing what you've been up to. Miss you all!


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