Friday, December 31, 2010

Best and Worst Writing Memories of 2010

We were all served with some good and not so good things throughout the year. So here's a dozen of my best and worst writing memories from 2010.  When you're done reading mine, please share yours (writing or otherwise). And may the New Year be your best year ever!

Best: Joined first critique group.
Worst: Had to nix a precious passage.

Best: Wrote a short memoir piece about my husband's and my love story, now a keepsake.
Worst: Wrote my step-dad's obituary, though it was a blessing to do so.

Best: First book deal!
Worst: Rejection of the memoir piece that I submitted for an inspirational collection.

Best: Obtained a literary agent.
Worst: My agent stopped blogging.

Best: Entered my first and only writing contest.
Worst: Didn't fair as well as I hoped, though not bad.

Best: Interviewed at Romance Writer's on the Journey.

Best: Connected with more authors and made valuable relationships.
Worst: Wished I'd done so sooner!

Best: Met and shared a room a conference with my long-time favorite author, Ruth Axtell Morren.
Worst: My local writing mentor and friend, Susan Page Davis moved away.

Best: Attended two small conferences and taught two writer's workshops.
Worst: Didn't get to go the ACFW conference.

Best: Favorite books read (always gives me writing inspiration)
A 3-way tie:  Courting Morrow Little (Frantz), The Silent Governess (Klassen), The Preacher's Bride (Hedlund)
Worst: I didn't read as many books this year.

Best: Became a better writer.
Worst: There's always room for improvement!

Best: Met some of my writing goals.
Worst: Didn't meet some of my writing goals, but that's OK, I took a different path.

What are some of your best and worst writing memories from 2010?


  1. Carla, I love your recap and seeing the many wonderful things that took place in your life this past year.

    I was honored to have you as my guest at Romance Writers on the Journey and am delighted that you'll be back on February 26th to celebrate your First Sale.

  2. Carla, It's always a JOY to stop here. I'm thrilled beyond words you like my books! I know I'll love yours as well. Your recap is a beautiful example of how our lives run on two tracks, both good and bad, but God is able to bring good out of the most discouraging things. Bless you as you write and read and encourage others. You have a beautiful ministry!

  3. Keli, so glad you stopped in. It truly was one of my highlights and I look forward to chatting with you again in February. You are such an encouragement to so many writers and authors! Bless you for that!

  4. Laura, it is a JOY to have you! Your books, and knowing you, have truly made my life richer! I was just talking to someone the other day who shared with me how reading your books during a difficult time was such a ministry to her. And I said, "Yes, me too!" You are such a blessing. And I so agree with you, there are always going to be best and worst things in our lives and we must thank God for them all because He uses each and every situation for His glory and our benefit!

  5. You've had quite a year, Carla! Congratulations on all the good stuff, and on your attitude toward the not so good. I wish your agent was still blogging too. :)

    Best for me: signing with an agent in April. Interviewed by Keli Gwyn at Romance Writers on the Journey in June. Attended ACFW in September and met many on-line friends in person. Got my massive novel edited down to a publishable length. Finished my next novel. Got ideas for two more novels.

  6. My worst writing memory is a month of being completely stalled by too much going on and the grief of losing a best friend. I felt so lost without being able to write, yet it was my own fault. I could have tried harder.

    Overall, a great writing year. This one will be even better!

    Have a great year in all aspects of your life, Carla.

  7. Wow. What a wonderful example of "two steps forward; one step back". Looks like you advanced on all fronts!

    Me too. It's been a wild & whacky year, but such a wonderful one - even with some "not so good" stuff woven in.

    May 2011 reveal even greater advances for truly the best is always yet to come!


  8. Lori, you've certainly had quite a year as well! Your diligence inspires me! I hope I'll get to meet you at the ACFW conference this year!

  9. Debra, I can empathize about the grieving and how it affects our writing. So sorry to hear you lost your close friend. I had a deadline to meet while grieving the loss of my step-dad, so it helped me. When it was all over, it kind of hit me though. Here's to a better 2011 filled with joy!

  10. Kathleen, isn't that true, there's always so much woven together, it's hard to separate. But God is so good, He even takes our trials and brings something good from them. He never wants our sorrows to be wasted. Hopefully our new year will bring more joyful weavings!

  11. I had a great writing year!

    Best was winning Novel Journey contest for YA/MG, placing third in RWA Kiss of Death Daphne, and getting Terry Burns as an agent!

    Worst was getting the evil rejection--although it's to be expected, and it means Terry is doing his job--getting Pineapples in Peril out there!!

  12. Cheryl, Congrats on all your 2010 joys! Wow, great stuff!

  13. Congratulations on your successes this past year, Carla! Isn't God good?! I was able to make some headway on my WIP, although not as much as I would have liked. Met Jody Hedlund for coffee in my hometown of Midland, MI - what a sweet, insightful, author!! Made lots of blogging buddies and got to meet Linda Meade from England! God truly blessed! I'm looking forward to great things in 2011!! (I'll be attending my first writer's conference in March! Woo-hoo!)

  14. Hi Carla -

    I think you had a VERY good year. :)

    Some of my highlights:

    1) Entered the Genesis Contest and received much encouragement.

    2) I submitted to two new markets, received an acceptance, and am still waiting the results from the second.

    3) An agent requested my full manuscript, but I haven't heard a peep.

    4) Read a lot of super-duper books, including all those on your list. Bravo to Laura, Julie, and Jody!

    Susan :)

  15. What a good idea to evaluate the good and bad of your year month by month. I tend to see the annual overview as a vague collection of individual events but your way gives opportunity to give each accomplishment due recognition. It's a week into the New Year and I'm only now getting my 2011 journal started. I think I might steal your idea as the first entry. :)

    I, too, had an interview on Romance Writers on the Journey (isn't Keli a wonderful encourager?). I finished a major rewrite of one novel and am almost finished writing another. One of my photos was selected for the cover of a magazine that I write for. And there were several non-writing-related highlights. Congratulations on all your successes. I hope 2011 will be equally good to you.

    Carol Garvin


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