Sunday, August 29, 2010

Home At Last

Holding hand his hand, and Mom's, too. Praying at his bedside. Just being there. Now my Step-dad is finally resting in the everlasting arms of Jesus. He left this world two days before his 77th birthday. I had given him a card the day before he went in the hospital about 2 weeks ago. I tucked it in his casket. Not because he would know, but because I would. I wrote the obituary, and was blessed to be able to do this — my tribute to the Dad who won my heart through the power of love and forgiveness.

During these past few weeks, I was only home for one day. The rest of the time I've been with my Mom at the hospital, memorial preparations, and keeping her company in post memorial days. My husband and sons were there too sometimes. But we do live well over an hour away so it wasn't as much as I would have liked and oh, how I missed them.
I'm trying to resume my writing, but it isn't easy to get back on track. Saturday I went a top "Hacker's Hill" on Quaker Ridge Road in Casco, Maine which overlooks the White Mountains of New Hampshire and Sebago Lake. The funeral home is located at the bottom of this picturesque hill, which was so fitting since my Dad was such a great outdoorsman. This area was always one of my his favorites. I thought to sit there overlooking God's creation, to help me get my muse back. But instead of writing my novel, I ended up writing a journal entry. Ultimately that was probably time better spent. Tomorrow I'll be continuing my novel journey. For Dad.

Thank you so much to all of you who have expressed
your love and concern for me and my family through
your thoughtful messages and faithful prayers.
I appreciate you more than I can begin to say.
Love, Carla


  1. Oh, Carla. I am praying for you right now. I'm glad to hear he is with Jesus after so much pain...but so sorry for you and your family that you will miss his presence. I can definitely understand the difficulty in writing your novel. I'm sure God will give you the strength and concentration when the time is right to continue.

  2. [[[Carla]]] Thinking of you, and praying for you!

  3. Carla, I've so missed you! Thankful you are home again. Give yourself some room to not write if that is what you need. Praying the Lord will give you wisdow and words at the right time. So happy your dad is with Jesus.

  4. Julia, I know you completely understand. It's hard, but I'm so grateful for the comfort I have that he is now with the Lord.

  5. Lori, I appreciate your continued prayers. It's so nice to know that my friends are thinking of me and praying for me.

  6. Hi Carla -

    So sorry to hear about your Dad. The closeness you shared with him comes through in your writing.

    Praying for you and your family.


  7. Laura, I've missed you, too. Thank you for the beautiful card and your prayers have meant so much as well.

  8. Thank you, Susan. It's so good to "see you" again. It feels like I've been away forever. Your prayers are appreciated.

  9. I hadn't been by in a while so missed your previous post. I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. I went through this in December. It's hard to see them go, but what a blessing to know we'll see them gain one day!


Thanks for visiting Adventures of the Heart. Be sure to check back for my responses to your comments. Be blessed!