Friday, May 7, 2010

Writing Gratitude

"Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul."
Henry Ward Beecher

I am so grateful for the gift of writing.  
First of all I am grateful for His Word.  I am grateful for the ability to express myself through my writing. To help me sort out my thoughts.  To use words creatively to tell stories.  To encourage others.   To read the words of others that encourage, inspire, challenge, and entertain me.  I am grateful for this gift of communication.
What about writing makes you grateful?


  1. Thank you for your post and the reminder to be thankful for this gift of writing. I'm grateful for the Bible especially, and for other writing that is inspiring and lets God speak to my heart through the words. Blessings to you, Carla!

  2. I'm grateful for the gifts, talents, abilities, and education the Lord has given me, which enable me to create the stories He puts on my heart.

    I wrote for two years in isolation and had a blast pouring out five novels. At the end if that time, I finaled in a contest that brought me out of my writing cave and into cyberspace where I discovered a wonderful group of writers, many of whom have become my friends. I'm grateful for each one, including YOU, Carla.

  3. Hi Carla, just wanted to say how grateful I am to God for the ability to actually write. I am grateful to the Holy Spirit for the things He speaks to my heart as I read and think on the word.

    A desire to write has has led me here to blogging and it's a great opportunity to encourage others with what has encouraged me. Most of all I love the path that has led me to meet so many of like mind and that certainly includes you.

    I feel like I've known you for a long time even though I think I just started 'following' you recently.

    Thank God for you and your encouragement.


  4. I'm grateful for the fellowship it allows me to have with others. Reading what others have written, and being able to express my thoughts through writing, are true blessings.


  5. It sometimes surprises me when I read something that was written in the past. Words can transport me to another time and place. All awareness of the present fads when I'm truly absorbed by what I'm reading or writing. Some things are inspiring, and can prompt me in ways that I didn't realize were possible. I am so thankful for people who write.

  6. Hi Carla -

    I'm grateful the Lord put me in contact with so many excellent writers. I'm also thankful for His strength and ability to accomplish my assignment.

    Susan :)

  7. Writing is therapeutic - allowing me to share feelings and insights that I've gained along this journey of life! I love being able to connect with other writers via blogging. Being challenged to stretch and grow and make something of the words the Lord has planted and continues to water. My desire is to glorify His name with the writing He allows me to do! Blessings!

  8. I would have to second your thoughts. Well said!
    Blessings and happy weekend,

  9. I am thankful for the ability to write and read... what a precious gift. For me writing is soothing to my soul. When I write I am taking some much needed time for myself to stop and reflect... it is very healing.

  10. What a blessing it is reading all the ways you are all so grateful for the gift of writing!

    You guys are so awesome and I am so blessed to know you!!!!

  11. I'm thankful for the ability to express myself via the written word, and the ability to read. I've always been thankful for wonderful books and their authors, but now I'm particularly thankful for the Internet. That technology has opened up the writing community to me -- the people and the knowledge they share -- and I am so blessed.

  12. Seeing this post is timely. I've been trying to figure out exactly where writing fits into my life and what God's direction is for me and I've been experimenting with going "cold turkey" and writing NOTHING. And studying next to nothing. And I've learned one thing in all of it---life without writing is BORING! 8-)

    I'm also grateful for writing because, in these even harder financial times, when you can't afford to go anywhere or do anything, all you need is paper and pen (or keyboard and computer) to remove yourself to other places, other worlds.

  13. All I can say to your words, Carla, is Amen! My heart is in complete agreement. And, as others have voiced, I'm grateful for you!
    Faith's Firm Foundation


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