Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sweet Blooms

I've posted a lovely poem at my Something Olde blog ~ Lilacs by Amy Lowell.  This poem is like a story that the bloom conjured up for the poetess, with thoughts of old New England.  I love lilacs, the various colors, the scent, the freshness of spring in the air.

Spring flowers make me think of my grandmothers. I liked to pick them as a child and bring them a bouquet of color. My Nana had an enormous Forsythia bush in her yard so I have a special reminder of her each spring when the bright yellow flowers burst forth.

Lily of the Valley was also planted by my Nana's front door. This delicate flower signifies  not only reminds me of our Saviour, The Lily of the Valley, but in the language of flowers it means "the return of happiness".  When I remarried my husband we used this as our wedding flower. Our first wedding was 26 years ago tomorrow. After being apart for over 10 years, we remarried 4 years ago next week. Same month, but a brand new day. 

Flowers are delightful reminders that can invigorate the senses and inspire us to tell our stories.

Have flowers ever inspired any of your writings? Could they?
What are your favorite spring blooms?


  1. Not flowers - I have a tendency to sneeze and cough - I did burn a vanilla candle whilst I was writing so I think of NEAR EDGWARE as vanilla-ish.

  2. Lily of the Valley has a special place in my heart. We saw some growing in the woods on a trail this weekend!

  3. Beautiful, inspiring pics and post, Carla. Lilacs and Forsythia are dear to my heart and we have them here. The fragrance of Lily of the valley has always been a favorite. It is so feminine and sweet.

    I do use flowers in my books, as you know. Being a Kentuckian, I love spring and all the dogwood, both pink and white, blooming, along with the redbud. On the green hills it is an awesome sight. Can you tell I'm homesick:)

    That's the sweetest story about the flower and your 2 wedding dates. Love the symbolism and meaning behind that. Have a blessed anniversary!

  4. I have been enjoying many daffodils and tulips. Bleeding hearts are a favorite too. :O)

  5. I love lilacs. Ours have already bloomed, but I have the memories--and photos.

    Violets play a part in my wip. I suppose that's not much of a surprise, since the working title is Violets & Violins. :)

  6. Ah, floral memories! Lily of the Valley reminds me of my grandmother, and daisies were Mom's favorite. Lovely pictures, and Happy Anniversary:)


Thanks for visiting Adventures of the Heart. Be sure to check back for my responses to your comments. Be blessed!