Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Planning a Writing Conference

Plans are well underway for the Maine Fellowship of Christian Writers Conference. It will be held on the coast again in beautiful Belfast, Maine on August 14th. 

Local and state writers conferences are great and provide an opportunity for those who might not be able to get to a larger, national conference.  Non-members are invited to attend and it might be an affordable solution for those who live in the region.

This year we are thrilled to have "the man behind the words" Cecil Murphey.  Cec has written or co-written well over 100 books and 700 articles. He will share his expertise in three sessions, one which will be "Ask the Expert".  We are working on lining up several workshops for the breakout sessions. I'll be teaching one on new media connections. We also expect to have one or two editors as well as authors as presenters.

I created the new logo (above) which will be featured on a new website that I'm designing for the group that will provide conference information and online registration. I'm also doing the marketing materials and other desktop publishing items. There is a lot of work to be done, but it's great being involved in the process.

Have you been to a writers conference? I'd love to hear about it.  Have youo ever been involved in the planning of one?


  1. I have been to one, but have NOT been a part of planning one. I am sure it is a big job.
    Blessings, andrea

  2. I've been to a few writing conferences, but never been involved in the planning of one. I have planned other events so I know that these things take time and energy.

    Thanks for sharing!

  3. Carla, Before I even saw that you designed it, I thought, "Oh my, what a beautiful logo!" I am such a fan of lighthouses (and Maine). I am not surprised that you are heavily involved as you are so good at this type thing. I don't know a thing about the WA Christian Writers group here. Hmmmm. Might have to look that up:)

  4. How exciting to work behind the scenes for such an event. I've never been to a writers conference, but I pray that there will be plenty in my future!

    Love the Jane Austen quote!

  5. Beautiful logo! I have not yet been to a conference.

  6. Hi Carla -

    I'm blessed to live near a national writers conference is held. At one point, I was on a committee for a small, regional conference, but had to resign due to my late husband's illness.

    Susan :)

  7. Such a beautiful logo Carla. Great job. I've never been to a writers conference but it is one of the desires of my heart.


  8. Glad you like the logo! I'm having loads of fun with the conference preparation. Some of it I'm doing as a volunteer, but they also hired me to do some of the work since it falls in with what I do for website design and desktop publishing. It's a real blessings since my heart is in it!

    I would be wonderful if any of you could make it to the conference! You would be most welcome!

  9. I've never been to a writing conference, though I have planned and led two for homeschooled kiddos and their parents.


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