Friday, February 19, 2010

A Writer's Week in Review

What does a writer do? As for this writer, writing has become somewhat of a lifestyle for me and encompasses more than writing alone.  Here's a look a somewhat typical week for me; though my random projects are ever-changing. I didn't get as much writing on my novel done as I would have liked to, because of those nasty migraines, but I did get quite a bit of other tasks accomplished (that required less time and concentration on my bad days). I also visited a few blogs (less than usual) and participated in a few writers' email loops, read for review (& enjoyment), and did some plotting.

Friday:  Worked 10-2.  Afternoon migraine, took 3 hr. nap. Notified I was a finalilst is a short writing contest. Critiqued 30 devotional writings.

Saturday:  Attended Maine Fellowship of Christian Writers: 18 present, lesson was on writing book proposals, planned August conference, put on scheduling committee and assigned to prepare conference promotional materials and MFCW website. Researched writers conference schedules, and speaker topics. Did a quick website update for a client.

Sunday: Migraine am, up at 2 pm.  Prepared sample conference brochure (wrote content). Had a nice Valentine's day (btw, hubby got me a beautiful oversized mugged and a butterfly bookmark - perfect!).

Monday:  Submitted tentative schedule to conference scheduling committee. Received a research book I had ordered. Novel research. Checked out a few writing markets. Checked on a submission status to no avail.  Signed up for American Christian Fiction Writers Book Club. Did a characterization assignment at Kaye Dacus's writing blog.

Tuesday:  Worked 10-2.  At work created tip sheet on adult literacy in the workplace (on the job writing is still writing). Picked up mock up of conference brochure and other desktop publishing projects at the printers. Spent time with author friend and mentor, Susan Page Davis, who I share being a member of MFCW, ACFW, and a critique group. We chatted over cheese bread sticks and Pepsi and discussed the writers conference, critiques, current projects and ideas, and the business of writing, etc. Contemplated submitting a series proposal for a work that I have waiting in the wings just needing revisions. Migraine pm.

Wednesday: Worked 10 -2. Took a nap. Wrote 300 words and did edits on my wip. Signed up to be an influencer for a regency romance. Was asked to do a guest blog post and started writing it.  Worked on another guest blog post that's coming up.  Made some new facebook friends. Did a fiction critique, 2 more in queue.

Thursday: Migraine am, slept until 1 pm. Novel research online.  Received another requested to review a book. Studied "writer's voice". Put up blog post at Something Olde. Prepared 2 blog posts for future use.  Read 2 must read blog posts Chip MacGregor, Jim Rubbart, Tiffany Colter on Marketing and Interview with author Jill Eileen Smith on the Craft of Writing. Wrote another 200 words on my wip, not much, but now I'm totalling 15,500 in the past 6 wks.

What does your week look like? Do you get to write as much as you'd like to? Do you schedule it in or just grab time when you can like I do?


  1. Wow! I'm impressed that you fit in so much writing/writing related stuff into your day. I am gone from 7am to 4pm everyday and with 2 kids still at home, it is hard to find the energy or time to devote to my writing. I have got to learn to write in little snatches instead of waiting for long periods. I'll never make it if I don't learn that skill.

  2. I would rather write more than eat. I sneak every opportunity to write.

    Praying those nasty migraines disappear.


  3. Sherrinda, that's just what I had to do when my kids were little. But now that they are grown up I finally am in that season where my schedule is pretty much wide open and writing has at long last become a huge part of my life. Enjoy those precious years while the kids are young. If you can write a little now and then and try to learn something about the craft on a regular basis you'll be doing great! Be blessed!

  4. Andrea, I'm with you on that. Sometimes I forget to eat I get so engrossed in my writing. Thanks for your prayers.

  5. Migraines are a pain in the... Sorry to hear you have a bad week of them, but I'm way impressed with how much work you got done.

  6. After reading all you've accomplished, I'd be embarrassed to post what a typical week looks like for me.

    I'll be praying your migraines go away.


  7. My goodness, I don't do that much when I'm migraine free!

    Praying for your healing.

    Susan :)

  8. Really, many of those things don't take very long, I'm just very much about my writing activities.

    Eh, did I mention I didn't get any housework done?

  9. I just got freed up to do more writing, and Im excited to get my WIP edit finished. Life has a way of cutting into our writing time, but like all of you..I keep at it.
    Have a great weekend - a new week is just around the corner!

  10. most of my writing focus is on my blog at the present time, but that really needs to change.

    Each Saturday by blog post reviews my blog activity for the previous week and previews some of the week to come.


  11. Congrats on being a finalist in that contest--that's great! I'm sorry to hear about the migraines, though.

    I definitely schedule in my writing time.

    Thanks for visiting my blog today. :)


Thanks for visiting Adventures of the Heart. Be sure to check back for my responses to your comments. Be blessed!