Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Into the Day

I interupt my previously scheduled blog post to announce that I have some spectacular news!  I've been invited to join two multi-published authors to submit a 3 book set proposal with them.  We will each write a book, and I'll have to stand on my own merit, but will have support along the way.  Not that I'm blabbing this all over the Internet or anything (LOL!), but I just am so amazed by what has been happening lately.  It is a proposal not a book contract, so I'm trying to contain myself.  And who knows how it will pan out.  Just to be is a situation like this is nothing short of miraculous to me.  Every day I'm taking a step closer to my dream of becoming published.  I'm somewhere between jumping for joy and taking a leap of faith.   This has been a long time coming.  My ship hasn't yet come in, but at least my toes are at the water's edge.

I usually don't post such frumpy pictures of myself, but I just love how the light is playing off the water.  To me, it reminds me that the Lord is my inspiration for everything I do.  God can make us look good even if we don't feel that way.  We are just the vessel.  I'm also resting on the Rock.  Just where I need to be. (BTW, it's nice to see this sun shiny photo when we were just bombarded with 15 more inches of snow last weekend!)

And now, to bring you a little joy here is a favorite song of mine by Bebo Norman called Into the Day! This song has been uplifting to me during some rather depressing times.  I've had a very complicated and difficult life, and last year even though I was so happy with the way the Lord has been "redeeming the years that the locusts have eaten", it all kind of hit me (PTS, I guess).  I spent some time grieving, praying to break through that, and then learning how to breathe again.  I also have been learning to break through my fear.  Sometimes your dreams seem so far away when they might be a lot closer than you realize.  I am so thrilled to be part of God's story for my life and walk in His light. You never know what the next chapter of your life might bring or when that page will turn.  OK, that's more than enough word pictures for one post.

What are some of your bright spots and breakthroughs?


  1. Congratulations!! That is amazing, Carla! I'll pray that the proposal finds a home and this is the huge foot in the door to get your career off and running!

    P.S. I love Bebo Norman.

  2. Carla, it looks like there's an angel on your shoulder in that picture! Very appropriate, I think. I'm so happy for you and your spectacular news! I'll be praying for a good outcome for that proposal.

    And just so you know, one of my 'bright spots' is coming here to check your blog! You always manage to uplift me and challenge me so thank you for that.

  3. Yay, Carla! This is wonderful news. I saw your FB post and had to come right over hoping you weren't keeping us in suspense. :)

  4. Congratulations. That has to feel fantastic! I also really like that picture of you!

    ~ Wendy

  5. Way to go! That is such good news. A proposal is a great way to get your work out there. And from the looks of that photo you are working anywhere and everywhere. Best of luck to you!

  6. Carla, Prayers are being answered already and our foot is barely in the door of the new year!! So thrilled for you and can't wait to hear more good news. Prayers will increase:)

  7. Carla, that's awesome! Congratulations!

    Also, your picture took me to a happy place. Thank you!

  8. Thank you everyone! Your'e great!

    It's so good to have friends to share the good news with. Of course, this will all take time, but its as close as I've ever been. And my primary goal was to get something submitted this year so this gives me motivation and accountability. It just was so out of the blue!

    Now with all the stories I've already written I need to come up with a new one from scratch. It's a good challenge for me.

    Bless you all!

  9. What exciting news. Congrats. I'll keep my fingers crossed. I also love the picture. It is very serene.

  10. Carla, that's wonderful! And the picture is just beautiful. The light close enough to be hugging you is my favorite part.

  11. Wow Carla, Congrats on being invited to pull together a proposal! Exciting times for you! May God accomplish His will in and through your writing.

    P.S. I like your photo--the light on the water looks amazing. Beautiful!

  12. Carla:
    What EXCITING news! What an honor to be selected to do what you LOVE to do! I pray that God will give you exactly the right words and thoughts for this challenge! I'll be back to check on you and see how it'as going!


  13. Hi Carla,

    Thanks for visiting my blog, and your kind comments. You have a very nice blog here, and how exciting that you have this book set proposal to write. Congratulations!

    I've also started a new creative venture this year, and a leap of faith. Sometimes the line between excitement and fear is kind of thin!

    I love the picture of you. Many many good wishes to you as you step out in faith on this project.

    The Blue Kimono

  14. What a wonderful way to start the new year, Carla! Congratulations.
    Keep us posted on your progress.



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