Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Sticky Notes: Confidence in God's Enabling

"I'm thankful for the days of struggle when it's clear this book won't get written without God's grace. I want to stay in the place of dependency, even while He gives me confidence as I grow in the writing craft. Confidence not so much in my ability, but in His enabling."
~ Lori Benton, Past Perfect


  1. I love this. I need to make it a "sticky note" of my own.

  2. Love Lori's quote, Carla. Here's one I came across on a missionary's blog this morning -

    When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left and could say, "I used everything You gave me." -Erma Bombeck

  3. Might I also share, Lori was referring to her novel, Kindred, which just won the Audience with an Agent contest at Novel Matters.

    That's an excellent quote, Laura. Wow. Does anyone have any others you'd like to share?

  4. A wonderful note to remind us that we are nothing without God and everything with Him!

  5. I have sticky notes all over my desk, actually, but none are quite as inspiring:) Blessings!

  6. Love the final sentence:"Confidence not so much in my ability, but in His enabling." Thanks for this 'sticky note,' Carla

  7. Wow! Beautiful reminder. Love it!

  8. This is a great quote. It's where I am with my life right now, and all the aspects of it.

  9. Great quotes! I've got sticky notes everywhere on my desk.

    Susan :)

  10. Don'tcha just love sticky notes!!


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