Saturday, December 5, 2009

Christmas Blog Candy Giveaway!

It's just a little treat  ~ a small token of thanks for visiting my blog. You'll get a chance to win for each post you comment on between now and December 16th. The drawings will be held randomly. If your email address isn't easily accessible from your profile or your own blog/site, make sure you insert it in your post.  Entry starts now with this post!

What kind of candy am I serving?

Set of 5 country primitive Christmas gift tags.

Laura Frantz won this!
Wise Men Still Seek Him resin holiday pin.

Saleslady371 won this!
Two old fashioned Christmas postcard replicas. 
Great for Christmas greetings, scrapbooking, etc.

Please leave your comment to win!

Blessings, Carla


  1. Cool idea .Just dropping by to say hi

  2. Discovered your blog through clicking on links from other blogs I follow, will be adding yours to my list. Neat idea! My blog is

  3. Audrinna and Shauna, thanks for coming by! You are the first two entered in the blog candy giveaway!

  4. just found your site throug Lara Frantz's blog and wanted to say hi and to enter your giveaway,


  5. Hi Edna, I love visiting Laura's blog and appreciate your coming here to say hello! Welcome!

  6. Hi Carla -

    Neat prizes! Please enter me.

    susanjreinhardt (at) gmail (dot) com

    Susan :)

  7. beautiful prizes and lovely idea. And btw, I love your blog design.

  8. Just found your blog, and love the layout and graphics and candy. Sounds like fun. I'll definitely check back.


Thanks for visiting Adventures of the Heart. Be sure to check back for my responses to your comments. Be blessed!